Comics Reviews: Flash 250, Wonder Woman 232, Green Lantern 95

Flash 250 coverFlash #250 – “One Freeze-Dried Flash—Coming Right Up!” –  Cary Bates/Irv Novick/Vince Colletta

This issue introduces Golden Glider, Captain Cold’s sister. She’s got some hate for the Flash … why? Let’s read on and see. We start with Flash running along a street at super speed (as he does), but he runs through some letters frozen in mid-air. Of course, that means he’s about to mix it up with Captain Cold. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 250, Wonder Woman 232, Green Lantern 95”

Lost Girl Review: Episode 12

Lost GirlEpisode 12: (Dis) Members Only

Dyson’s planning a long weekend of bear-hunting (except he doesn’t use a gun), but Bo wants them to spend some time together.  Kenzi and Halle are grossed out by their PDA and tired of the on-again off-again stuff. They take bets on how long it’ll be before they’re “off again”. Out in the woods, we see a dude half-assedly trimming a tree. At least, that’s what he’s supposed to be doing, but he just keeps snipping at the same leaf and giggling like an idiot, so either he’s the worst groundskeeper in the world, or he’s high as fuck. Either way, he gets conked on the head by somebody with a rock, then dragged into the bushes by a weird vine. I’m pretty sure he ain’t coming out again. Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 12”

Comics Reviews: JLA 143, Superboy & the Legion 228

JLA 143 coverJustice League of America #143 – “A Tale of Two Satellites” – Steve Englehart/Dick Dillin/Frank McLaughlin

Going by the cover (and the splash page) this could almost be a Marvel comic, since it depicts Superman and Wonder Woman slugging it out. But this is all DC, though Steve Englehart had left Marvel not long before, so maybe there was some influence there. This issue addresses the tension that’s been brewing between Wonder Woman and the rest of the JLA for the past few issues. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 143, Superboy & the Legion 228”

Comics Reviews: Superman 312, Action 472, Warlord 7

Superman 312 coverSuperman #312 – “Today the City…Tomorrow the World!” – Martin Pasko/Curt Swan/Frank Springer

This issue continues the story from last issue about the mysterious illness at the World News Conference in Central City. We get a WGBS report recapping the outbreak and Morgan Edge freaking out because a bunch of his top people (Clark, Lois, Steve Lombard) are at the conference and he doesn’t even know if they’re still alive. Superman flies in a bunch of supplies and builds a treatment center for the patients right beside the hotel. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 312, Action 472, Warlord 7”

Lost Girl Reviews: Episode 11

Lost GirlEpisode 11: Faetal Justice

This one starts out with Dyson in a goth club, hassling a bouncer named Ba’al. The club turns out to be run by Vex, the charming Mesmer from a couple episodes ago. Vex threatens to use his “control” power on Dyson, but Dyson says Vex can’t control an animal. Vex points out that Dyson can’t kill him in a club full of witnesses, so Dyson leaves. Continue reading “Lost Girl Reviews: Episode 11”

Comics Review: Batman 288, Detective 470

Batman 288 coverBatman # 288 – “The Little Men’s Hall of Fame” – David V. Reed/Mike Grell/Bob Wiacek

This is a continuation of the Penguin story from last issue where he was committing crimes based on the “short men of history”. The first thing we see is a bunch of guys robbing a building. They take out the guards with perfect precision and when Batman shows up, they take him out too. Of course, it’s not the real Batman, and this wasn’t a real robbery; it’s just a dress rehearsal that Penguin’s putting his men through for the real robbery. He expects Batman to have solved his “short men in history” clues, so he’s trying to prepare his men for the inevitable showdown. Continue reading “Comics Review: Batman 288, Detective 470”

Comics Review: Flash 249, Wonder Woman 231, Jonah Hex 2

Flash 249 coverFlash #249 – “A Hero Named Super!” – Cary Bates/Irv Novick/Frank McLaughlin

This one concludes the Master Villain story from last issue, when some punk kid drew a cartoon villain that was then brought to life by a curious alien and slapped Flash around. You know, the usual. This issue starts with Barry talking in his sleep about his high school girlfriend, Daphne Dean (who we met last issue and who has some kind of sinister secret). Iris listens to Barry talking about he and Daphne messing around (and kinda gets into it), but before he can get to the good part, the phone rings. Continue reading “Comics Review: Flash 249, Wonder Woman 231, Jonah Hex 2”