Episode 3: Oh Kappa, My Kappa
This episode seems to be set right after the last one, as it starts with Bo and Dyson waking up together in Bo’s bed. Bo is a bit surprised, saying it’s the first time she hasn’t woken up next to a dead body after sex. More shocking to me is the fact that Dyson spent the night. Bo is completely healed because of the sweet sweet lovin’, but they bang again; I think this may be the first time that saying “I have a headache” is actually used as an invitation to sex. Elsewhere, a girl is running through the woods (they kinda look like the same woods from last episode, but it turns out they’re not); she stops at the edge of a huge hole in the ground, turns, and screams … and cue the opening credits. Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 3”
Tag: Lost Girl Season 1
Lost Girl Review: Episode 2
Episode #2: Where There’s a Will, There’s a Fae
This episode opens with Bo and Kenzi doing some shopping. Kenzi’s wearing a blonde wig (as a disguise, I guess?) and it’s a pretty good look for her. They’re buying tools to fix up their “crack shack” as Kenzi calls it. Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 2”
Lost Girl Review: Episode 1

Welcome to my first review of the TV show Lost Girl, which ran from 2010 to 2016. It’s about a woman named Bo, who finds out the reason she keeps waking up next to dead lovers is because she’s a succubus who needs to drain energy from the living in order to survive. And that’s just the start; this series takes Bo (and us) on a wild ride to uncover her past and fight the ultimate evil. Sounds a bit like Buffy, you say? Well, there are similarities; both shows have kick-ass (but flawed) female protagonists, both are what you might call “sex-positive”, and both are adept in the use of snark. But I wouldn’t say Lost Girl is a Buffy clone … more of a natural successor. You may disagree, of course, but I look at Buffy and Lost Girl as two separate entities, both of which are great shows in their own right. So I hope you’ll join me every Wednesday as I review Lost Girl episodes. If you’re already a fan, I hope these reviews will bring back some fond memories, and if you’re new to the show, maybe you’ll become a fan. Okay, enough talk, on with the show! Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 1”