Lost Girl Review: Episode 8

Lost GirlEpisode 8: Vexed

With this episode, we get a little bit of everything that makes Lost Girl great: some hot sex scenes, secrets and lies, a couple of good fights, and Bo trying to discover who she really is without compromising her principles. In fact, this was the original pilot episode that sold the series. It was produced over a year and a half before the series aired. I guess the previous seven episodes were made after this one, to catch the story up (or fill in some background). Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 8”

Lost Girl Review: Episode 7

SpiderEpisode 7: ArachnoFaebia

Kenzi’s flirting with the pizza delivery guy (who’s also an actor, of course), but Bo runs him off with her succubus mojo. Kenzi’s not happy, since she was kinda into the guy (“Pretty sure his crust is double-stuffed, if you know what I mean.”) They have a mild argument about how messy the house is and Bo points out it’s their first real fight, which makes them more like sisters. Kenzi finally agrees the lace might need some cleaning when Bo points out some rat shit in a frying pan. We jump to another house where some old lady is complaining constantly to her sister about the neighbours. The sister comes in and stabs her with knitting needles. The camera pans back and a huge spider crawls up on the ball of yarn. Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 7”

Lost Girl Review: Episode 6

Lost GirlEpisode 6: Food for Thought

The sub-plot about Bo’s mother is on hold for this episode, so we can explore some of the culinary habits of the Fae. The episode starts with Bo getting dressed for a doctor’s appointment. Kenzi notices she’s looking pretty fancy and Bo admits the “appointment” is with Lauren, to see if Bo can control herself when surrounded by tasty humans. Seems like a bit of a gamble; what if she can’t control herself? Is Lauren gonna tranquilize her right there in the bar? Of course, we know some shit is going down, because Bo says the magic words: “What could possibly go wrong?” Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 6”

Lost Girl Review: Episode 5

Dyson and BoEpisode 5 Dead Lucky

This episode starts (as many do) with Bo getting some action. She and Dyson are going at it on Dyson’s desk at the police station. When he asks why she needed healing, Bo says she didn’t; she was just hungry. Nothing like a midnight snack to keep you going. They try to come up with some rules for their “friends with benefits” arrangement (yeah, ’cause that always works), but it’s obvious Dyson is more invested than her in their relationship. He even asks if he can walk her home, but she says she can take care of herself … and she’s immediately shanghaied by three guys with guns (though she does give one guy a good kick in the balls). Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 5”

Lost Girl Review: Episode 4

Dyson with skull
Alas, poor Samir, I knew him, Horatio.

Episode 4: Faetal Attraction

This one starts in media res, with Dyson showing up at a house and Bo and Kenzi running out right before the house blows up. Debris rains down on them, including a human skull; so yeah, skull rain … where do you go from there? Well, we go back in time a bit to see Bo sleeping and Kenzi waking her up. Bo tells her about Dyson banging the waitress at the Dal. Bo’s not taking it well and Kenzi realizes she’s never been rejected before. I guess that makes sense; how do you reject a succubus who can charm you into wanting her? Kenzi tells Bo that dealing with rejection can be fun. I’m not sure if that’s exactly the right word. Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 4”

Lost Girl Review: Episode 3

Lost GirlEpisode 3:  Oh Kappa, My Kappa
This episode seems to be set right after the last one, as it starts with Bo and Dyson waking up together in Bo’s bed. Bo is a bit surprised, saying it’s the first time she hasn’t woken up next to a dead body after sex. More shocking to me is the fact that Dyson spent the night. Bo is completely healed because of the sweet sweet lovin’, but they bang again; I think this may be the first time that saying “I have a headache” is actually used as an invitation to sex. Elsewhere, a girl is running through the woods (they kinda look like the same woods from last episode, but it turns out they’re not); she stops at the edge of a huge hole in the ground, turns, and screams … and cue the opening credits. Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 3”

Lost Girl Review: Episode 2

Lost GirlEpisode #2: Where There’s a Will, There’s a Fae
This episode opens with Bo and Kenzi doing some shopping. Kenzi’s wearing a blonde wig (as a disguise, I guess?) and it’s a pretty good look for her. They’re buying tools to fix up their “crack shack” as Kenzi calls it. Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 2”

Lost Girl Review: Episode 1

Bo: she’s succu-licious!

Welcome to my first review of the TV show Lost Girl, which ran from 2010 to 2016. It’s about a woman named Bo, who finds out the reason she keeps waking up next to dead lovers is because she’s a succubus who needs to drain energy from the living in order to survive. And that’s just the start; this series takes Bo (and us) on a wild ride to uncover her past and fight the ultimate evil. Sounds a bit like Buffy, you say? Well, there are similarities; both shows have kick-ass (but flawed) female protagonists, both are what you might call “sex-positive”, and both are adept in the use of snark. But I wouldn’t say Lost Girl is a Buffy clone … more of a natural successor. You may disagree, of course, but I look at Buffy and Lost Girl as two separate entities, both of which are great shows in their own right. So I hope you’ll join me every Wednesday as I review Lost Girl episodes. If you’re already a fan, I hope these reviews will bring back some fond memories, and if you’re new to the show, maybe you’ll become a fan. Okay, enough talk, on with the show! Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 1”